7th July - The London Bombing
July is the 7th month of the year. And the year was 2005 and 2 + 0 + 0 + 5 = 7. So we have three 7s in this date. Jethro Black, in the slide show, show other parts of this even connected to the number 777. He thus shows that this even was destined to happen and part of God's divine plan as a prelude to the coming of the Messiah who is connected to the number 777.
Short but amazing slide show.
7th July - The London Bombing
This is a PowerPoint Slide Show for which you will need either PowerPoint or atleast a PowerPoint Reader which can be down loaded for free from the internet. Just do a search for free PowerPoint reader and down load.
The Slide Shows sold on this website were made on an older version of Powerpoint and so may appear different on newer version. If you are not satisfied with the shows due to not being able to see all the slides clearly then please ask for a refund. There may also be differences between viewing the shows on a PC (on which they were created) and on a Mac. Please use contact form if requesting a refund. Jethro plans to make up dated versions of these shows in the future.